Design Patterns
Reference Material
- Code examples of design patterns in C# and .NET
- Design pattern types (behavioral, creational, and structural) - wikipedia
- Game Programming Patterns - a work in progress with examples tailored to game development in C++
- Command design pattern example
- Event driven programming and the Command design pattern - wikipedia
- Events in C#
- C# events tutorial
- On the difference between events and commands - 1 - 2
- Factory method pattern - wikipedia
- Singleton pattern - wikipedia
- C# singleton example with "lazy initialization" - use this version if you need to load content in the singleton's constructor
- Static classes
- Example of state machine in XNA
- State design pattern - wikipedia
- Finite state machine tutorial in C++
- Strategy design pattern example
- Strategy design pattern - wikipedia
- Decorator design pattern example
- Decorator design pattern - wikipedia
- Null object design pattern - wikipedia
Handling Input: command pattern + events
Management of objects: factory methods, singletons, and static classes
Object behavior: state and strategy patterns
FYI, another way to handle state transition logic Table-driven Approach and Table-based State Machine and Literate Programming for the Adventure Game